Thank you to our sponsors:

Andrew & Katherine Hauser
Bob Riley Foundation
The Jamie Wade Family
The Movic Foundation
Saturday, September 28
Due to flooding on the Des Moines River since early May, and subsequent damage to our river dock, the Head of the Des Moines Committee has chosen to move our 2024 regatta event to Easter Lake in S.E. Des Moines. Although we will be on a lake, this is not a sprint race. It will be a head race of approximately 2100m.
The lake provides many advantages that were not present on the River, including:
- a newly constructed accessible north shore,
- many viewing areas along the course,
- multiple bathrooms on site,
- concessions on site,
- buildings to take shelter in case of inclement weather,
- a chance to check out DMR’s new boathouse, where we’ve been enjoying rowing since early May
Questions? Contact Jeff McKinney, Regatta Director, at [email protected]
Volunteers Wanted!
Rowers and non-rowers are needed to make a regatta run smoothly.
See all the needed positions and sign up today!
Race Course Map

Trailer & Boat Parking