There are a number of pathways into Des Moines Rowing. Our Learn to Row sessions register participants through EventBrite. All other registrations are completed through the iCrew software platform.
Learn to Row
- If you are 18+ and new to rowing, check out our Learn to Row program and sign up for a session at EventBrite.
- If you are in 8th-12th grade, check out our Youth Learn to Row program – session sign-ups will be on EventBrite.
New to Rowing with Des Moines Rowing (DMR)
- If you have already taken a Learn to Row session and would like to join the Novice program;
- If you are joining the AMI Novice program;
- If you are already a rower, but new to DMR and/or the iCrew registration system;
- Or if you are a collegiate rower and would like to row with DMR during the summer months (and if you haven’t previously registered with DMR):
Use this link
Returning Rowers with DMR
Use this link if you are a returning rower with DMR and have an iCrew account.
- Logon to iCrew, go to “Club Home” and click on the corresponding Registration Option to register for the 2025 season (registration begins March 15, 2025; season begins April 1, 2025).
- After payment, don’t forget to sign all 3 DMR Waivers! You are not clear to row until payment is received and all waivers are signed. Thank you 🙂