Program Registration

There are a number of pathways into Des Moines Rowing. Our Learn to Row sessions register participants through EventBrite. All other registrations are completed through the iCrew software platform.

Learn to Row

New to Rowing with Des Moines Rowing (DMR)
  • If you have already taken a Learn to Row session and would like to join the Novice program;
  • If you are joining the AMI Novice program;
  • If you are already a rower, but new to DMR and/or the iCrew registration system;
  • Or if you are a collegiate rower and would like to row with DMR during the summer months (and if you haven’t previously registered with DMR):

Use this link

Returning Rowers with DMR

Use this link if you are a returning rower with DMR and have an iCrew account.

  • Logon to iCrew, go to “Club Home” and click on the corresponding Registration Option to register for the 2025 season (registration begins March 15, 2025; season begins April 1, 2025).
  • After payment, don’t forget to sign all 3 DMR Waivers! You are not clear to row until payment is received and all waivers are signed. Thank you 🙂