Des Moines Rowing
Des Moines Rowing (DMR) is a non-profit corporation created to promote the sport of rowing in Central Iowa. The club was founded in 1983 and hosted its first regatta that same year. Although most members live in the Des Moines metropolitan area, the club does include rowers from further Central Iowa communities. We offer recreational and competitive rowing opportunities through our Novice, Masters, Youth and Accessible Membership Initiative (AMI) programs.

Learn to Row & Novice Program
For ages 19 and up; your pathway to the Masters rowing program to row for recreational and/or competitive purposes.

Youth Rowing
For ages 12-19; a coached program to teach and improve young rowers for competitive racing.

Accessible Rowing
Outreach program aimed at introducing rowing to those with spinal cord injuries, vision impairment, and PTSD.
Des Moines Rowing Events

Your tax-deductible donation now helps ensure great rowing opportunities in central Iowa in the years to come!